• Cuprina laboratory in Singapore offering Maggot Debridement Therapy

    Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) has been Clinically Proven to be More Effective than Conventional Wound Care Treatment and is Widely Used in More than 30 Countries including Singapore and the United States

  • About Cuprina Singapore

    We Utilize Sustainable Approaches to Develop Medical Solutions to Save Lives and Limbs

  • MEDIFLY Free Range Maggots from Cuprina, which is used in wound healing for chronic wounds

    Our MEDIFLY Range of Products Debride Non-healing Wounds

Select Clinical Evidence

Vs. Surgical Debridement

18x Faster Cleaning

Studies on Maggot Therapy for wound debridement have also shown that compared to the conventional method of using a scalpel or scissors, Maggot Therapy can clean wounds up to 18 times faster [1].

Vs. Negative Wound Pressure Therapy

5x Higher Healing Rate

Only 18.2% of patients undergoing NWPT had their wounds closed, whereas 92.3% of patients undergoing Maggot Therapy had their wounds closed, according to a randomised clinical trial [2]. NWPT is also known as Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC).

Vs. Hydrogels

5x Faster Debridement

Wounds treated with Maggot Therapy took only 14 days to debride, whereas wounds treated with hydrogels took 72 days, as observed by a randomised controlled clinical trial [3].

Cuprina Maggot Debridement Therapy

What is Maggot Therapy?

Maggot Therapy (also known as Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) or Larval Therapy), is a form of biotherapy that involves the use of live maggots to clean necrotic and infected tissue from wounds. The use of maggots in medicine dates back to ancient times, but it was not until the 20th century that Maggot Therapy gained recognition as a therapeutic option for wound care.

Maggot Therapy works by the maggots' ability to consume dead tissue while leaving healthy tissue intact. The maggots excrete digestive enzymes that break down the necrotic tissue and create an alkaline environment that inhibits bacterial growth. In addition, the maggots have antimicrobial properties that further promote wound healing.

  • The use of Maggot Therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of wound types, including chronic wounds, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, and surgical wounds. It is especially useful in cases where conventional wound care methods have failed.

    Maggot Therapy is a safe and cost-effective alternative to surgical debridement and other forms of wound care. It is also well-tolerated by patients, who report minimal discomfort during treatment. The maggots used in Maggot Therapy are carefully bred in sterile conditions and are certified for medical use.

    Maggot Therapy helps to:

    1. Remove dead tissue without the need for surgery

    2. Disrupt bacteria from forming into biofilms (which delay healing)

    3. Kill bacteria that cause infections

    4. Stop wound breakdown and promote growth

    5. Increase blood supply to the wound

    6. Instantaneously reduce wound odour

MEDIFLY Can Prevent Amputations

One limb lost every 30 seconds

due to diabetes [4]

90.9% limb salvage rate

using MEDIFLY [5]

  • Studies have shown that people with diabetes are up to 39 times more likely to face the possibility of amputation than those without the condition [6], with 70% of all leg amputations happening to people with diabetes worldwide [4]. This alarming reality underscores the urgent need for effective wound care solutions.

    At Cuprina, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to preserve their quality of life and avoid amputations whenever possible. Our MEDIFLY products offer a groundbreaking approach to wound healing, with local clinical data demonstrating a limb salvage rate of 90.9%, and a wound closure rate of 45.5% in a challenging patient population [7].

    Singapore, unfortunately, faces one of the highest rates of lower extremity amputations globally, with public hospitals conducting approximately four amputation procedures every day [8].

    We understand that considering Maggot Therapy may be a novel concept for many, but it's essential to keep an open mind when exploring effective wound care options. Maggot Therapy has demonstrated remarkable success in promoting wound healing by removing dead tissue, combating infections, and stimulating healthy tissue growth—all with the help of sterilised medical maggots. It's a natural and safe process that has been trusted for centuries and is now backed by modern medical research and technology.

Our Products

Free Range

For debridement on large and/or difficult wound areas, and wounds with undermining


“Maggots-in-a-bag” designed for ultimate convenience and patient acceptance

MEDIFLY is the only live maggot dressing available in Singapore and Hong Kong

Is MEDIFLY Right For Me?

Cuprina’s MEDIFLY products are indicated for the debridement of
non-healing necrotic skin and soft tissue wounds, including but not limited to:

Diabetic Foot Ulcer DFU Maggot Therapy can help debride and clean chronic wounds such as DFU in Singapore
Amputation Sites Maggot Therapy can help debride and clean Amputation Sites and chronic wounds in Singapore
Pressure Injuries and Sores Maggot Therapy can help debride and clean Pressure Injuries and Sores and chronic wounds in Singapore


Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Pressure Injuries

Listen to our Chief Technology Officer, Carl Baptista, who was featured on Asian Scientist

Get in Touch

We are currently available in Singapore and Hong Kong, and we look forward to serving more countries soon. If you or someone you know is dealing with a chronic wound, or if you're a healthcare provider considering incorporating Maggot Therapy into your treatment plans, we are here to help.